Saturday, May 30, 2020

pregnant again!


After sooooo many years of  not updating blog, i feel like writing again. maybe due to this looong MCO / PKP/ PKPB due to Covid-19 that has been pandemic all over the world. So, we just need to stay at home as much as possible. dont go out if there's no need to do so. Schools are closed, so here we are WFH (work from home).

So, I have a good news. Yeah of course you could guess it right away since you already read my post's title up there right? yes, I am pregnant after 7 years of waiting. Alhamdulillah. I am so grateful for this present given by Him. Maybe this is the hikmah of PKP. haha.

Now my pregnancy has been already 10 weeks plus. almost finishing the first trimester. My LNMP was on 19th March 2020. And my second positive UPT test (at home) was on 29.04.2020. So i went to Dr. Anina Semarak to confirm my pregnancy. Dr. Rafidah Pare was incharged there. So she did a scan on me and show me the gestational sac with a tiny lil embryo that already had heartbeats. but, here's a thing that always bothering me is the doctor also discovered ovarian cysts inside. Yeah, i used to have that before but i thuoght it was already dissappeared back then, and now it comes back again?

OK, lets forget about that for a moment. Yes, just for a moment. haha. So, on 27.05.2020 i got an appointment to open my "buku pink" at KD (Klinik Desa) Tanjung Batu near my house. So the things that i need to bring are 2 copies of my ic, 2 copies of my husband's ic, 2 copies of our marriage certs, and 2 copies of passport picture each husband and wife. and not to forget my morning urine sample (in a urine bottle they've given).

Went to KD Tg, Batu early in the morning around 7.45 am. around 9.35 am baru lah nama dipanggil. Fuhh, perut pun dah lapaq balik dah. JM Eva Weng attended me during the whole process. Supposed Sisters Ani yang incharged but whe was on raya leave. JM Eva was a very nice person. She is pregnant too. She treated me nicely. I am so glad cause i thought all the nurses here is fierce or something-like that la. So my first perception was wrong.

There, she took all my history (esp. gestational history, my last pregnancy), taking blood pressure, weight and height and also taking blood samples for many tests (Rhesus, VDRL, HIV test, BSMP, Hb and etc.). My weight was 50.3kg, i told them my height was around 147cm and my Hb test was 11.2 i guess. So cukup2 makan. Then she prescribed me with hematinics (Folic, Iron 2 dose, Vit B, and Vit C). Ouh ya, they even poked me 7 times to get 5ml of my blood. Fuhh, usually before this only 3-4 times. This one really breaks the record lah! haha. I just have to redha saja la. My veins had shrinked and became smaller due to chemo cycles that i had taken during my childhood time.

what a long post ya after so long.... i'm tired now. i think im gonna pause here. will continue my writing on the next post ya. thank you readers. haha.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

still alive...


Yes, Im still alive. Sihat walafiat. Its been 2 years and half since my last post. Pheww~ Many things had happened in these 2 and half years. Its a very very long period though. If Im about to write everything that happened in these years, I bet you will die out of breath and energy to read my post right? haha.

So, what kind of story I want to tell haa? hurm? lemme think first.... 😏 Maybe just a short update about my current living and condition now. OK?

Alhamdulillah, Ive quit my job as a house officer after been working at Hospital Tawau in Surgical Department for about 3 months. Regret? Maybe a lil bit but more and more grateful for the decision that Ive made. I feel alive again after 3 months of sleepless night, restless, mentally and physically exhausted, losing weight (like a living corpse), and many others. But, afterall I love my job as a doctor. Not everything is bad and unpleasant. Its just the working environment that exhausts me. I never feel burdened whenever i attend my patients. From changing the urine cathether, setting branula, taking blood, taking history, transfusing blood, run here and there, upstairs and downstairs or even dressing the breast cancer or burn patients. Im really really happy to help with a BIG heart. Even they said that the salary of being a doctor was good, but for me its not enough compared to lots of sacrifices that I had to make. Id rather choose time instead of money. I choose to be happy than living in a hectic stressful life. Well, I think its all worth it. Ive gained my weight back! hahaha. 😆 Alhamdulillah.

Now, Im working as a teacher at Sekolah Rendah Islam Al-Fateh, Taman Ria. Its been 2 years already. No wonder I didnt update my blog since 2 years. Its because Im busy working and teaching little caliphs at my school. haha. Once a blogger, forever a blogger right? Im happy with my job now. And I love my job. Eventhough sometime kinda tired and stress but its still bearable. The feeling just went away when you had best and cool workingmates and a good working environment.

May Allah gives me the strength to keep going on this track. May Allah guides me always and eases my way. Because people come and go in our life. We cant told them to stay like we want it to be. They have their own right and responsibilities too. But for surely, Allah puts them in your life for a reason. Think thats enough. Readers, you! Yes you! please pray for me okay? Thank you. ^__^

Friday, March 6, 2015

Resepi Chocolate Walnut Brownies

salam readers,

dah lama saya xupdate blog ni, rindu sangat dah nak menaip kembali dan aktif berblog mcm dulu. tapi selalu je xde masa, xsempat. xpe lah. lepas ni kalau de masa tu saya update. bukan tujuan menulis ni untuk org baca pun tapi kalau ade org baca pun boleh bha, cuma blog ni untuk catatan untuk di baca di masa akan datang. huhu. janji xnyanyuk la. kang terlupa address URL blog xboleh jugak nak membaca ye dop? hehe.

kelmarin saya teringin sgt nk makan brownies. tak tahulah kenapa kebelakangan ni terasa nak makan macam2. pulut durian la, cucur cempedak goreng la, pulut serimuka la, teringin plak yang susah nak dapat kat sini pulak tu. pehh. memang terliuq saja la tgk gambar. haha. so, dah teringin brownies so buat la brownies. ada terjumpa resepi yang paling mudah guna 3 bahan je tu. tapi itu nutella brownies la. kat rumah xde nutella. mls nk kluar beli. so gugel resepi yang lain. terjumpa la satu resepi ni. try aje la. buat2 alhamdulillah sodap! sambung makan harini, bertambah sedap! haha, bila dia da xpanas n sejuk sket lagi bertambah sedap dia rupanya! huhu. suami pun asyik ulang masuk dapur je. keh3.

ok, jom kita tengok resepinya ye.


1 cawan unsalted butter
1 cawan serbuk koko
1 3/4 cawan gula
4 biji telur (suhu bilik)
2 sudu teh vanilla ekstrak
1 1/4 cawan tepung all purpose (saya guna tepung gandum je)
1 sudu teh baking powder
1/2 sudu teh garam
2/3 cawan walnut (toasted)
*saya tambah chocolate chip jugak


1. panaskan oven pada suhu 175 celcius dan griskan loyang siap2 (saya guna 8inch but better guna yg lebih besar sikit)
2. cairkan butter dan tuang dalam mangkuk besar. ayakkan serbuk koko ke dalam butter dan kacau. masukkan gula dan kacau sehingga sebati.
3. masukkan telur satu persatu ke dalam adunan tadi, dan masukkan vanilla ekstrak dan kacau lagi.
4. di dalam mangkuk yang lain, satukan tepung gandum, baking powder dan garam (jangan ayak). dan tuang ke dalam adunan koko tadi. kacau hingga sebati.
5. akhir sekali, masukkan kacang walnut yang telah dipecah2kan (dan juga chocolate chip saya letak).
6. tuang ke dalam loyang dan bakar selama 35-40 minit bergantung kepada jenis oven di rumah anda.


inilah hasilnya. saya buat jadi tebal sebab loyang kecil. resepi suruh letak dalam loyang 8x11 inci.

alamak saje je nk suh tgk dgn kepala senget kan?

senget pun senget la. haha

Monday, October 13, 2014

Two weeks left...


After a long pause with no update, so here's a quick update. Cause its too late right now. Need to sleep. Hehe.

Yeah! Two weeks left for me before i start my new chapter of life as a houseman at Hospital Tawau. These few weeks, i am busy settling everything before i start my work soon. Alhamdulillah. Almost everything had been prepared.

- Insyirah's pengasuh checked!
- medical check-up checked!
- find new house to move in later checked!
- new spectacle half way to go!
- baju batik on the way!
- driving liscence checked!
- practice driving alone checked! Haha (must mention jgak ke?)
- akuan sumpah checked!

And many many others. Fuhh! Yang belum checked! lagi mungkin my knowledge about medicine. Ahhh.. Its been a year already (almost actually). Hehe. My brain need to be polished back. Semua dah lupa. I just hope that everything will be as smooth as smoothie. Slurppp... Haha.

Ok, my PTM (induksi) will be on 27th October 2014. Waaaaaa... I feel like screaming out loud! Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusanku ini.

#throwback at Kundasang Heritage Resort & Spa (Perkasa Hotel)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Resepi nasi goreng butter

Hari ini (09092014), aby xbalik rumah sebab terpaksa bermalam di Semporna sebab aby kena jadi pengawas peperiksaan UPSR selama tiga hari. SK Bukit Lalang kalau xsalah ibu. Sekolah tu nak pergi kena naik bot. Kalau aby nak bertolak dari rumah (Tawau), memang aby kena gerak awal dari rumah. Pukul 5 pagi dah kena gerak dah. Ibu kasihan tengok aby, jadi ibu redhakan aje walaupun dalam hati ni takut macam2. Eh, melalut pulak! Sorry! Hee..

So, alhamdulillah Allah takdirkan insyirah tidur untuk bagi ruang ibu memasak makanan tengah hari (kind of petang actually). Ibu terasa nak makan nasi goreng butter. Senang. Insyirah pun boleh makan. Xperlu ibu nak kena masak asing2. Because i have a limited time. Macam time-bomb gitu! Yela, kalau insyirah dah bangun nanti memang xmakan la kita jawabnya. Dah la aby xde. So, Alhamdulillah elok selesai ja masak, insyirah mai jenguk kat pintu dapur (dia bangun dah!). Bau ibu masak sedap la tu sampai terbangun! Haha. So, here goes the recipe..

Bahan-bahan :

- nasi putih
- bawang besar (sebab mmg kt rumah xbeli bwg merah, ghenyah nak kupas)
- bawang putih (dicincang)
- butter/mentega/planta (3 sudu besar)
- ayam dipotong dadu
- telur (2 biji)
- carrot potong dadu
- kacang panjang dipotong kecil2
- serbuk lada putih
- garam

Cara-cara :

1. Masukkan mentega, selepas cair tumiskan bawang merah dan bawang putih.
2. Masukkan ayam.
3. Masukkan carrot dan kacang panjang.
4. Masukkan telur dan kacau sehingga jadi macam scramble egg tu.
5. Masukkan nasi. Kacau sebati.
6. Perasakan dengan serbuk lada putih dan garam. Siap!

Mudahkan? Selamat mencuba!!

P/s : resepi ni ditulis dengan simple, pendek, dan ringkas. Faham2 sendiri la kan, kalau lepas masukkan ayam tu tunggu la agak2 sampai dia masak baru masuk sayur2. Hehe. Sukatan pun ikut sesedap rasa je. Ok? Terima kasih kerana membaca! Oh gambar xsempat nak snap sebab perut terlalu tidak sabar minta diisi. Mintak mahap la ye.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Hadiah ibu untuk aby

Alhamdulillah. Yeay! Barang dah sampai. Waterproof case aby dah sampai. Cari punya la cari pusing satu Tawau (padahal satu mall Servay Jaya tu je) cari Waterproof case ni, tapi tak ada satu pun kedai yang jual. Akhirnya, bukak la "kedaionline". kedai mana lagi kalau bukan dekat instagram. Haha. Cari punya cari, nampak boleh percaya, order la satu! Haha. Ibu beli waterproof case ni dekat ig @ameksstudio. xingat sangat the exact spelling. sorry kalau tersilap. Dalam kepala ingatkan kedai dia ni kat Kay El la u know. haha. Sebab mcm ramai giler follower. Bila amek barang kat Poslaju tengok2 tup2 kat KK aka Kota Kinabalu, Sabah bha. Di centre point. Punyala dok ingat kat sabah ni xdak orang jual natang ni. hekhek. ok. Thats it! Lepas ni bolehla kita selfie2 dalam ayaq laut gitew kan aby kan? because selfie with food is too mainstream. Lets selfie with the fish plak. haha. Okeh. Nin dia casing tu. RM50 termasuk pos.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Resipi Kuih Qasidah

Salam ramadhan semua.

Alhamdulillah. Dah separuh bulan kita berpuasa. Beberapa hari lepas teringin nak makan kuih Qasidah. Dah lama tak buat. So, google lah resipi, dan terjumpa satu resipi ni yang banyak blogger pakai and tulis dekat blog diorang. So, cubalah resipi tu dan alhamdulillah jadi! Dan husband and jiran pun puji kata sedap. Alhamdulillah, seronok bila orang suka apa yang kita masak kan? Hehe. Ok, here goes the recipe,

Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan :
- 1 cawan tepung gandum
- 3 cawan air
- 6-7 sudu besar gula
- secubit garam (sikit je)
- air kapur (cair) *saya xguna pun. Sebab xde.

Cara :
- campurkan semua bahan2 di atas dan masakkan di atas api yang perlahan. Sentiasa kacau untuk mengelakkan tepung berketul dan supaya ianya sebati. Jangan berhenti mengacau. Kacau sampai pekat dan berkilat. Memang boleh kuruskan tangan kalau buat kuih Qasidah ni. Bila dah masak tuangkan ke dalam loyang atau bekas atau yang sewaktu dengannya.

Untuk toppingnya pulak, chewwah!! :
- Gorengkan 5 biji bawang merah yang telah dihiris nipis dengan 5 sudu minyak masak. Masak sehingga jadi bawang goreng. Kaler coklat, jangan sampai hangus pulak ye. Dah masak, tuangkan atas adunan tepung dalam loyang itu tadi bersama-sama minyaknya. Biarkan ia menyejuk. Done!

Mudahkan? Selamat mencuba!~