Saturday, May 30, 2020

pregnant again!


After sooooo many years of  not updating blog, i feel like writing again. maybe due to this looong MCO / PKP/ PKPB due to Covid-19 that has been pandemic all over the world. So, we just need to stay at home as much as possible. dont go out if there's no need to do so. Schools are closed, so here we are WFH (work from home).

So, I have a good news. Yeah of course you could guess it right away since you already read my post's title up there right? yes, I am pregnant after 7 years of waiting. Alhamdulillah. I am so grateful for this present given by Him. Maybe this is the hikmah of PKP. haha.

Now my pregnancy has been already 10 weeks plus. almost finishing the first trimester. My LNMP was on 19th March 2020. And my second positive UPT test (at home) was on 29.04.2020. So i went to Dr. Anina Semarak to confirm my pregnancy. Dr. Rafidah Pare was incharged there. So she did a scan on me and show me the gestational sac with a tiny lil embryo that already had heartbeats. but, here's a thing that always bothering me is the doctor also discovered ovarian cysts inside. Yeah, i used to have that before but i thuoght it was already dissappeared back then, and now it comes back again?

OK, lets forget about that for a moment. Yes, just for a moment. haha. So, on 27.05.2020 i got an appointment to open my "buku pink" at KD (Klinik Desa) Tanjung Batu near my house. So the things that i need to bring are 2 copies of my ic, 2 copies of my husband's ic, 2 copies of our marriage certs, and 2 copies of passport picture each husband and wife. and not to forget my morning urine sample (in a urine bottle they've given).

Went to KD Tg, Batu early in the morning around 7.45 am. around 9.35 am baru lah nama dipanggil. Fuhh, perut pun dah lapaq balik dah. JM Eva Weng attended me during the whole process. Supposed Sisters Ani yang incharged but whe was on raya leave. JM Eva was a very nice person. She is pregnant too. She treated me nicely. I am so glad cause i thought all the nurses here is fierce or something-like that la. So my first perception was wrong.

There, she took all my history (esp. gestational history, my last pregnancy), taking blood pressure, weight and height and also taking blood samples for many tests (Rhesus, VDRL, HIV test, BSMP, Hb and etc.). My weight was 50.3kg, i told them my height was around 147cm and my Hb test was 11.2 i guess. So cukup2 makan. Then she prescribed me with hematinics (Folic, Iron 2 dose, Vit B, and Vit C). Ouh ya, they even poked me 7 times to get 5ml of my blood. Fuhh, usually before this only 3-4 times. This one really breaks the record lah! haha. I just have to redha saja la. My veins had shrinked and became smaller due to chemo cycles that i had taken during my childhood time.

what a long post ya after so long.... i'm tired now. i think im gonna pause here. will continue my writing on the next post ya. thank you readers. haha.